Safeguard Scientifics Relaunches Website, Blog
Posted by | September 28, 2010
Welcome to the newly redesigned Safeguard Scientifics blog! And if you haven’t been over to our website yet, check it out — we’ve transformed that as well.
The new streamlined look and feel of our blog and website are helping us to emphasize the five strategic themes driving our investment thesis: Maturity, Migration, Convergence, Compliance and Cost Containment. Building on our convergence theme, we wanted to further leverage the synergies between our life sciences and technology partner companies by integrating them in one place on our website’s homepage.
You’ll notice that our partner companies are now listed in alphabetical order, rather than broken down by life sciences or technology sectors, and a quick click on each icon will provide a snapshot about the company, recent news, career opportunities and other important links. We hope that through these changes, you’ll enjoy the ease of accessibility to information about Safeguard and our partner companies.