The Blogging CFO

Posted by | October 15, 2010

Recently, I was interviewed by Karen Bannan for an article on CFO bloggers in Inside Edge.  I have to admit, not unlike most CFOs I know, I was initially a bit skeptical about social media, and blogging in particular, as it relates to Safeguard’s blog. However, as Karen’s article accurately describes, I came to appreciate the opportunity blogging provides to articulate our point of view on topics and trends where we can share valuable insight.

For those of you who are considering blogging, but are still reluctant to give it a shot, here are some principles that I have tried to follow:

  • Remain relevant with blogging content – don’t blog for the sake of blogging. Otherwise, you risk minimizing your credibility.
  • Incorporate the point of view of relevant experts within the construct of future blog posts.
  • Continue to integrate a collective point of view with regard to content from company executives / contributors.

CFOs, especially CFOs of public companies, have typically been characterized as staid stewards of numbers, and, consequently, not great communicators. But, as Karen’s article points out, people are online, and it is our job to make sure we are staying current with our various audiences.  Investors, in particular, are voracious consumers of information, from which they are quick to form an opinion.  Consequently, it’s quite logical for CFOs to provide insight that transcends the numbers and gives the audience a more comprehensive perspective on the company’s strategy, objectives and performance.

And as I’ve come to learn and appreciate, blogging is an ideal vehicle to articulate and drive home our message.

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