Week in Review: Apple, the FDA, and education

Posted by | August 26, 2011

This week, many were surprised by the news coming out of Silicon Valley as the famed entrepreneur Steve Jobs stepped down as Apple’s CEO on August 24. As a young entrepreneur, Jobs built Apple into the technology giant it is today and is now handing the reins over to Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook.

Although Jobs had to overcome some roadblocks along the way, he has transformed our way of life and inspired revolutionary technologies. It is not just the products he brought into our lives, but what people have done with them, that has made Jobs so iconic. From iTunes, the iPod and the iPhone, to the Mac and the iPad, Jobs has left a huge mark on not only the technology industry, but our lives.

His legacy extends far beyond Apple, however. The advancements of Apple technology have impacted thousands of smaller start-up technology companies around the globe. From mobile advertising to applications, the innovation and technology behind the world’s most valued company have forever changed the game.

Many only associate Apple with Steve Jobs. Now people will have to decide if Apple is bigger than one man. It also leaves us with one big question—is there room for new innovators to fill the gap Jobs left?

In other news:

Check back in the coming weeks for more in this series, showcasing developments at Safeguard, partner companies, trending topics and breaking news. To read more of our “Week in Review” series, please use the following feed: safeguardscientifics.com/weekinreview.  Have a nice weekend!

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